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Get in serious shape

Aerobic training

What is aerobic training?

Aerobic training, also known as cardio, is any type of exercise that gets your heart rate up and your breathing faster for a sustained period of time. It is one of the most important types of exercise for overall health and fitness.

When you do aerobic exercise, your body uses oxygen to break down food for energy. This process strengthens your heart and lungs and improves your cardiovascular fitness. Aerobic training also helps to improve your circulation, reduce your risk of chronic diseases, and boost your mood and energy levels.


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Endurance training

Endurance training is any type of exercise that you can do for a long period of time, at a moderate to high intensity. It is also known as aerobic exercise, and it includes activities such as running, swimming, cycling, and hiking. Endurance training is important for overall health and fitness, and it can also help you improve your performance in specific sports

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Get in serious shape

Outdoor running

Running is a great way to stay fit and healthy, and running outdoors is even better. It’s a chance to get some fresh air, sunshine, and enjoy the scenery. Outdoor running can also be more challenging and rewarding than running on a treadmill.


Get in serious shape

Crossfit training

CrossFit training is a high-intensity interval training (HIIT) program that combines elements of weightlifting, gymnastics, and cardio. It is designed to improve overall fitness, including strength, speed, power, agility, balance, and coordination.

CrossFit workouts are typically one hour long and are divided into three parts: a warm-up, a workout of the day (WOD), and a cool-down. The warm-up includes dynamic stretches and exercises to prepare the body for the WOD. The WOD is a different workout each day and is designed to challenge all aspects of fitness. The cool-down includes static stretches and exercises to help the body recover.

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